camp lejeune

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act was passed in August 2022 to provide relief for service members and their families who suffered adverse health consequences as a result of toxic water exposure. Some of these conditions include various forms of cancer like liver cancer, lung cancer, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, along with other medical conditions, such as infertility and Parkinson’s disease.

Veterans who were honorably discharged from service and civilians who either lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for 30 continuous days or more between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, are eligible to file a claim if they developed one of the more than two dozen recognized conditions.

Since the law’s passage in 2022, there has been some movement toward resolving the more than 100,000 claims filed. 

No Settlement Reached Yet

At this time, although there has been some progress toward resolving claims, no settlement offer has been made and accepted. There has not been a payment by the federal government to Camp Lejeune toxic water victims for their injuries. Recent status conferences in the case reveal that discovery continues to be exchanged as the courts and attorneys seek to better understand the full scope of the harm victims have suffered.

Still Time to File a Camp Lejeune Claim

Although more than 100,000 claims have already been filed, that number will likely grow in the near future. That is because the statute of limitations for Camp Lejeune claims was set at two years from the date of the Act’s passage. As a result, individuals who believe they have a claim against the government for their toxic water-related illness have until August 2024 to file a claim and participate in any recovery.

Should I File a Claim for Compensation?

If you have not yet filed a claim for compensation to participate in the Camp Lejeune case, you may be wondering if it is worth it to do so. First, you would need to ensure you are eligible to bring a claim. A skilled attorney familiar with the Act can usually determine if you meet the eligibility requirements and obtain the documents necessary to prove your eligibility.

Assuming you are eligible, a significant consideration is likely whether it is financially worthwhile to file a claim. While amounts have not yet been announced, it is anticipated that victims will receive anywhere between $100,000 to beyond $1 million each as part of the settlement. Any amount you receive would depend on the severity of your condition and the losses you experienced.

There may also be other avenues available for you to receive compensation aside from under the Act, including through a VA disability claim.

Have More Questions? Contact Centonzio Law

Knowing whether you can and should file a Camp Lejeune claim may not be an easy decision for you. Centonzio Law is here to help. We are more than happy to go over the Act with you, including the process for filing a claim and recovering benefits. We can also alleviate any apprehension you might have by representing you, filing your claim for you, and ensuring your interests are protected throughout.

Call or contact Centonzio Law today for more information. You can dial (800) 342-2727 or use our website’s contact form.